Sustainability with Neighborhood Compost

As someone residing in an apartment , composting wasn't easily attainable until I discovered Neighborhood Compost's pick-up service. It's been a game-changer for me, making me acutely aware of my food waste and its impact.

Even as I spend time working in Massachusetts, I've loaned my compost bucket to a friend, and I find myself missing the opportunity to divert waste here too. Every discarded item holds potential, and I'm committed to minimizing waste in all the ways I can. ♻️🍃

One of the joys of working with small towns and local businesses is the chance to encounter remarkable companies like Neighborhood Compost. Their commitment to sustainability, coupled with being woman-owned, is truly a homerun for me.

As I continue weaving sustainable practices into my daily life, I'm also enthusiastic about inspiring my clients to do the same. Remember, it's the small, consistent changes that add up over time. Progress doesn't require perfection. Let's keep making a difference, step by step! 💚

Check them out at 🐐


Ode to Jane


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